Prédictions 2018 : des changements rapides vont doper l’audio en ligne, en rupture avec les anciens modèles.

RAIN ( a publié hier les prédictions annuelles de 25 leaders de l’industrie audio en ligne autour du monde. Vous serez prévenus ! En 2018 : des changements rapides vont doper l’audio en ligne, en rupture avec les anciens modèles.

Pour les diffuseurs locaux, les opportunités seront aussi nombreuses que les menaces en 2018. Seuls les mieux avertis tireront leur épingle du jeu. « Le monde change très vite. Les forts ne battront plus les petits ; les plus rapides gagneront contre les plus lents »  – Rupert Murdoch


Voici une synthèse et les mots clés de ces prédictions 2018, autour de 3 enjeux majeurs : Podcasts, Smart Speakers (assistants vocaux) et Audio Digital.

(Si vous lisez mal l’anglais, il vous suffit d’activer la traduction sur votre navigateur. La version française sera publié ultérieurement)

2018, année du Podcast

“We’ll continue to see a rapid increase in podcast listenership industrywide in 2018. Major media companies recognize podcasting’s growth and will continue to devote their owned resources to drive their audiences cross-platform to consume podcast content.” –Chris Peterson, iHeartRadio

“My prediction for 2018 is that brand dollars will increase significantly….” –Korri Kolesa, Midroll Media

Podcast advertising marketplaces – powered by dynamic ad insertion – start entering the market. Possibly even with self-service models.” –Francesco Baschieri, Spreaker

Podcast monetization will become more sophisticated. Sponsorships will remain a major format for podcasts. However,  most major publishers will increasingly combine sponsorships with dynamically-inserted ads.” –Alexis Van de Wyer, AdsWizz

Podcasting has become a part of the conversation. Brand advertisers will take the conversation with their agencies from, ‘What do you know about podcasting?’ to ‘Here is what we need to do.’ […].” –Jay Green, Cadence13

“2018 for Podcasting will be the year where Amazon Alexa and Spotify both move into the top 5 places for podcast consumption. …” –Rob Walch, Libsyn

“Data and technology will flip the industry on its head…. Voice-to-text transcription will become the norm…” –Corey Layton, Whooshkaa

“We are in the era of on-demand audio. … Indeed it is a golden age for audio, but much of it no longer comes via transmitter.” —Steve Goldstein, Amplifi Media

2018, année des Smart Speakers

« Voice Search Optimization will emerge as an important field. …Radio should not ignore search optimization this time round.” –Seth Resler, Jacobs Media

“Companies that don’t typically play in the audio space will reap the most rewards from connected home devices.” –Sharon Taylor, Omny Studio

“Radio will continue to evolve in the smart speaker space. …Look for ways to interact with the stations, contesting, games, and more.” –Jeremy Sinon, Hubbard Radio

Voice-activated internet will be the fastest growing audience driver for many publishers. The rise of the “ambient internet” ecosystems will also provide brands and publishers with exciting challenges and opportunities to make audio advertising fully interactive. …” –Alexis Van de Wyer, AdsWizz

2018, année de l’audio digital

“ …The recent rise of interactive audio advertising, multi-screen campaigns and stronger attribution measurement will provide new ways for brands to connect with their target audiences and will allow video/mobile budgets to continue to make their way to online audio.” –Alexis Van de Wyer, AdsWizz


“2018 will see an acceleration of technology disrupting creativity.” –Sam Crowther, A Million Ads

« …Media entities of all shapes and sizes (not just radio) are beginning to figure this out and become more thoughtful about their content production. …” –Jed Williams, Local Media Association

“In Europe we’ll see an overall consolidation in all areas composing Digital Audio.” –Mirko Lagonegro, DIGITALMDE

« …Millions of non-monetized FM radio listeners – the late-majority who’ve yet to migrate to online radio services – will be converted to revenue-generating assets for Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, Pandora and their label partners.” –Paul Goldstein, PG Audience Development

“In 2018, CPM’s will continue to rise for streaming audio due to the increased use of data for the placement and targeting of campaigns.” –Neal Schore, Triton Digital

“Radio will become more like pure streamers and pure streamers become more like radio.” –Christian Schalt, NEXT LEVEL AUDIO

“Many Broadcasters will start producing original Audio contents exclusively for on demand consumption, exploiting in a new way their talents or collaborating with thirty parties able to create engaging Audio contents, consequently generating new sales and marketing opportunities.” –Mirko Lagonegro, DIGITALMDE

The Internet of Things is taking flight. …their impact on the radio business is coming … soon. Last month, GM announced an app that connects drivers to participating restaurants, service station brands, and others – bypassing the dashboard advertising experience. This is just beginning.” –Fred Jacobs, Jacobs Media

“Broadcasters will increasingly focus on creating original audio content, adding to their on-demand offering – above and beyond existing catch-up radio offerings. Audio creators begin to realise that money is being left on the table then race to create a mass of short-form, bite-sited, ‘snackable’ content.” –Sharon Taylor, Omny Studio

But what will never change? Serving the needs of the audience. Powerful personalities, sharing authentic human experiences, powerful storytelling (and great stories), information, inspiration, and of course humor have always and will always work, in past, present, and future.” –Valerie Geller, Geller Media International

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Michel Colin
Mediatic Conseils